BLADE® field editor and ABS master smith Ed Fowler will offer another of his seminars as only he can in “Knives That Survived The Frontier” during the 2013 BLADE Show & Living Ready Expo (www.bladeshow.com) May 31-June 2 at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta.
Ed’s seminar will be show Saturday at 2 p.m. in Room 104.
Ed will discuss an antique Huber bowie, Ames Rifleman Knife and a T-backed wootz knife.
“The Huber bowie made in 1832 looks to have been in combat as evidenced by the cuts in her blade,” he noted. “The Ames Rifleman’s Knife from 1849 was used hard, most probably during the Civil War. Her scabbard was refurbished on the frontier with what was available.
“The T-backed wootz knife collected by a British soldier who traded a carton of cigarettes for her while driving a lorry over the Khyber Pass during World War II is another knife with a great history visible through repairs where few tools and materials were available,” Ed continued.
“Those who attend will be invited to hold, study and discuss what aspects of design and steel made these knives great. These aspects of design remain as hallmarks of the high performance knife of today.”
Author of his “Knife Talk” column in BLADE for over two decades, Ed is well known for his controversial opinions and approaches to not only bladesmithing/knifemaking, but also to knives and their history in general. He also has written Knife Talk I and Knife Talk II—compilations of his Knife Talk columns in BLADE.
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You bet, Ed. Oh, and if we need one, the other ‘meeting room’ is wherever we can get everybody to gather without trampling one another or other show patrons. 😉
Thank you Steve: that is a great introduction.
During my seminar those of you who attend will be able to hold, examine with your eyes and hands combat knives of history that many have never had to opportunity to know. I will discuss what I see in them and you are invited to share your thoughts. Another will known authority on historic knives will also be in attendance, it should be a very lively experience for all.
Should we run out of time his editorship Steve Shackleford has arranged another meeting room where we can continue our discussion.
I look forward to seeing you at Blade Show 2013