Act now to contact members of a House Subcommittee hearing that will meet June 24 to help decide the fate of the sale of all items containing elephant and other ivories.
“This is our best chance to stop the ivory ban without mega-money lawsuits,” observed scrimshander Linda Karst Stone. Though Stone and others worked on BLADE Show auction knives that should bring a “decent amount of money” to fight the anti-ivory mania in Washington, D.C., she fears it will be nowhere near enough. “It does not feel like we have deep enough pockets to fight an expensive lawsuit,” which is what it will take if the ban is not stopped before it is fully enacted, she noted.
As a result, she encourages those who value their elephant ivory knives to contact their representatives who will be sitting on the June 24 House Subcommittee hearing.
“I caution everyone not to be too optimistic, but the oversight hearing of June 24 could put a stop to this if they think there is enough support and hear from enough of us,” Stone noted.
Those on the House Subcommittee are Chairman John Flemming (Louisiana); Don Young (Alaska); Rob Wittman (Virginia); Glenn “GT” Thompson (Pennsylvania); Jeff Duncan (South Carolina); Steve Southerland II (Florida); Bill Flores (Texas); Jon Runyan (New Jersey); Vance McAllister (Louisiana); Bradley Byrne (Alabama); Doc Hastings (Washington); Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan (North Mariana Islands); Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (American Samoa); Frank Pallone Jr. (New Jersey); Madeleine Z. Bordallo (Guam); Pedro Pierluisi (Puerto Rico); Carol Shea-Porter (New Hampshire); Alan Lowenthal (California); Joe Garcia (Florida); and Peter A. DeFazio (Oregon).
For the full subcommittee membership, complete with links to contact each member, visit http://naturalresources.house.gov/subcommittees/subcommittee/?SubcommitteeID=5063. The best strategy is to focus on members with whom you have a connection, you are one of their constituents, you have a business in the official’s district, etc.

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hey steve.. here in NJ .. the “evildoers” they say are spreading IVORY BLOOD MONEY all around and it must be stopped. RHINO HORN is included by the way with the NJ ban-which correct me if im wrong is at least 4 species of RHINO are already protected here in the USA so im guessing this would be just the first state to actually add it to a bill-i was reading that by doing so it makes NJ “the FIRST STATE to make a definitive stand against wildlife trafficking” this state loves to ban things and love sbeing the first to do so!
i dont even own a BB GUN nor a sling shot.as both of these items will have you in handcuffs.as well as multiple knives will,at the very least.get your knives taken.i have used the “MY GRANDPA GAVE THAT KNIFE TO ME SIR”..many times and it has worked so far! also have a specfic task in mind if ever in NJ with a knife.when they ask you why you carry a knife. DO NOT SAY PROTECTION OR YOU WILL LOSE IT.-just a heads up! my track record ,knock on wood,is no knives lost to the POLICE!
all i know is i will continue to collect ivory. as well as scrim and of course the awesome knives this lovely material adorns.
GOVERNOR CC has already gotten a few emails from me. thank you for the links!- KNIFE ON!- P.FORCE