Do you know Zac Brown of the Grammy-Award-winning Zac Brown Band owns his own knife company? Find out all about it and much more in the new May BLADE®, on many newsstands NOW!
Based in Atlanta, Brown’s knife company is aptly named Southern Grind and focuses on Brown’s lifelong love affair with knives. Get all the poop on it in the May BLADE.
Also in that issue:
•Wally Hayes shows you how to make a Steampunk tanto (his version of which also happens to be the May issue’s cover knife);
•Industry pros select the top 13 knives of the custom pioneers;
•Six knives tackle the deepest, darkest jungles of the Amazon;
•Industry pros show you how to identify knives with proper fit and finish;
•See which factory knives finished as runners-up in the voting for the Blade Magazine 2012 Knife-Of-The-Year® Awards;
•In part IV of a series, Ed Fowler continues to outline how he installs sheep-horn handles on his custom knives;
•And much more!
Also, act before tomorrow and enjoy 74 percent savings on a BLADE subscription. Click on http://www.shopblade.com/blade-magazine-one-year-subscription-us?lid=ssfbbl022713 for more info.
NEXT STEP: Download Your Free KNIFE GUIDE Issue of BLADE Magazine
BLADE’s annual Knife Guide Issue features the newest knives and sharpeners, plus knife and axe reviews, knife sheaths, kit knives and a Knife Industry Directory.Get your FREE digital PDF instant download of the annual Knife Guide. No, really! We will email it to you right now when you subscribe to the BLADE email newsletter.