BLADE Magazine

First Look: Click N Cut Hunting Kit

Click N Cut Hunting Kit

A Portable Hunting Field Kit That’s Small Enough To Fit Into Your Pack And Strong Enough To Process The Spoils Of Your Hunt.

Hunting is hard. Anything that can help make the work of processing an animal easier is worth its weight in gold, and the new Click N Cut Hunting Kit from Cold Steel is 24 karat.

The kit comes with a textured handle and five interchangeable blades. It starts with a relatively standard four-inch general purpose blade which turns it into a fixed-blade knife. Additionally, there is a thing five-inch boning blade.

Where the kit really earns its stripes is with the additional attachments. A six-inch bone saw allows you to keep your hunt in manageable pieces for transport home. The four-inch skinning blade and gut hook is long enough to let you quickly skin an animal while still being strong enough to stand up to the rigors of use.

The last piece is a 3.5-inch caper blade perfect for skinning the heads of animals and acting as a perfect last tool to round out the set. The Click N Cut is the type of hunting kit that you’ll be grateful to have in your pack because it’s small, it’s tough, and it’s priced fairly.

MSRP: $99.99

Editor’s Note: This article was written by Mike Ableson.

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