Center Cross Metal Works


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Gene went home with our Lord on 11-9-11. We shall continue Center Cross in his honor. (Lady Center Cross – Mellanie Osborn)

Gene remain’s the “Unknown Knifemaker” by choice and proudly displays the Center Cross as the signature on all his work. For the last 30 years Gene has been making one of a kind knives, custom made Damascus steel for other knifemakers across the globe, and has built the most complete and comprehensive video library of instructional guidance designed to take you to the next level in custom knifemaking.

Using his craft as a ministry tool for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gene teaches relationship with the Lord rather that religion.

Center Cross may have started as one man’s dream but today has many artists from around the world working together to promote man’s oldest tool and the many art’s incorporated into the craft of custom knifemaking while helping you fill the American dream. Gene is uniting artist’s, knife makers and suppliers from far and wide to provide you some of the most unique opportunities in the world of custom knife making today.