Antique Bowie Knife Association’s annual meeting 2011 Natchez MS


The annual Antique Bowie Knife Associations (ABKA) annual meeting will be held on Friday August 19th and Saturday August 20th at the convention center in downtown Natchez Mississippi. “Where it all began” just steps from Bowie’s tavern which overlooks the Mississippi and from where you can see close to where the melee (the Bowie dual) actually happened. After Set up and an initial review of the show on Friday afternoon, everyone gathers at Dunleith plantation (Constructed by Mr. Dahlgren himself) the only full colonaide top to bottom to survive the civil war in Mississippi, to gather for drinks and hors de voires. Saturday proves to be a full day of trading and sharing information. There will be some of the best knives in the country on display and many items will be for sale. This is not only a Bowie Knife show, there will be all sorts of antiques and related collectibles. You will likely see some fabulous confederate items and many other collectibles such as swords, guns, period gold and related collectibles. The show will conclude Saturday evening with an awards ceremony for different categories of knives (awards given by both the ABKA and the Natchez Bowie Knife Show). Check back soon for contact info….

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