When it comes to crafting a knife, Pat Antuzzi works one flake at a time.
“What I do is go back to the Stone Age,” Pat Antuzzi says of his knapped obsidian knives. He has been knapping blades for almost a quarter century.
In that time he has found the best of the best obsidian to be the royal Mexican variety from the state of Jalisco in Mexico, a variety that’s basically been mined out. He used the material for the blade of his straight-edged fixed blade, as well as Portoro marble from Italy for the handle. But it’s the royal Mexican obsidian itself and how it’s knapped that are the keys.

“Every indentation you see on the blade is one flake removal from [the obsidian], and if it’s done right, you’re going to see it one flake after the other, just like the ancients would’ve done it,” he explained. “It’s wicked sharp.”
Hand-Knapped Fixed Blade Specs
Maker: Pat Antuzzi
Blade length: Not quite 5”
Blade material: Mexican gold obsidian volcanic glass from Jalisco, Mexico
Handle material: Portoro marble from Italy
Overall length: 9.5”
Maker’s price for a similar knife: N/A
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