Tag: Blogs
TSA Delays New Small Pocket Knife Policy
A policy change by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) allowing passengers to carry a small pocket knife or multi-tool on commercial airliners beginning April...
How To Photo Knives Seminar at BLADE Show
Eric Eggly of Point Seven Studios will show you how to photograph knives in a special seminar at the BLADE Show (www.bladeshow.com) and Living...
The Gunny’s Back and The BLADE Show’s Got Him!
The BLADE Show (www.bladeshow.com) will host R. Lee “The Gunny” Ermey as he returns to sign autographs, pose for photos and chew the fat...
Ernest Emerson Will Offer BLADE Show Seminar
Ernest Emerson, one of the leading names in both custom and factory knives, will conduct another of his always popular seminars at the 2013...
Knives of The Expendables 2
Sylvester Stallone (top) holds the Gil Hibben Toothpick (second from top left, above) in a scene from The Expendables 2. Along with the modified...