For those ground into a nub by Frosty and Rudolph, the Die Hard movies provide a welcome respite without leaving the Christmas movie genre. And yes, they are Christmas movies. While the series’ armory mostly centers around firearms, there are a few exceptions for the knife enthusiast.
Knives of Die Hard (1988) and Die Hard 2: Die Harder (1990)
Jack Crain designed two fighters that make brief appearances in the first two Die Hard films.
From his website, where replicas are still for sale:
One scene in Die Hard 2: Die Harder also involves what appears to be a prop automatic, although it’s hard to tell from this short clip:
Knives of Die Hard With a Vengeance (1995)
The third film contains what’s probably the most memorable knife scene in the franchise. This one involves a karambit. Despite it being a product of the prop department, it’s worth noting due to the rarity of karambits in Hollywood movies.
Here’s the scene:
Here’s a closer look, from YourProps.com:

No, it’s not a pretty knife. Maybe that’s why movie studios tap custom knifemakers when the blade gets more screen time. In fast-moving action scenes, it’s likely more economical to let the prop department turn out something passable.
Knives of Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
This is the one movie in the franchise with a giant question mark on the knives used. Information is either hard to come by or doesn’t exist, and there are no notable knife scenes.
Knives of A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
Busse Knives played a part in the most recent Die Hard movie in many ways. It provided knives and sponsored screenings for U.S. military members stationed overseas. From its official statement:
Nearly 50 Busse Combat knives were purchased by the production company and delivered to Russia for either inclusion in the movie or gifting.
An Arsenal RS-1, a “knifegun” that also fires .22 cartridges, makes an appearance. It’s similar to the one featured in this video:
In the end, what would’ve been a dramatic knife fight didn’t make the film’s final cut. It still managed to make its way onto YouTube, though.
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What was the otf used in die hard with a vengeance when the guy threw it at Bruce willis when he was wearing the sign?