In 2010 ABC Nightline produced a three-part series on Marine Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Technician Staff Sergeant Johnny Joey Jones. During eight years of service, Jones deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. It was while in Helmand, Afghanistan, on August 6, 2010, that Jones stepped on an improvised explosive device, losing both his legs and severely injuring one arm. In the face of inordinate challenges, Jones not only maintained a positive outlook, but became a beacon of hope to his fellow amputees, his fellow veteran collegiates and the public who follow his charity work and appearances on Fox News. Triple J or Joey, as his friends call him, is now spokesman for Zac Brown’s Camp Southern Ground, a 400-acre camp and retreat for children and military families that is funded by the proceeds of numerous artisan shops, including Southern Grind, the musician’s knife company. You can read more about Jones and some of the substantial knives offered through knife-lover Zac Brown’s company in the September issue of BLADE Magazine. (If you can’t find BLADE near you, subscribe.) But no matter how far Jones progresses physically, no matter what business pinnacle he reaches, the Southern Grind spokesman remembers the fallen, one fallen in particular, the man who died in the explosion that took Jones’ limbs: Marine engineer and mine sweeper, Corporeal Daniel Greer.

A TV Crew Interviews Jones in Afghanistan, Unaware Of The Fate To Befall Him
Jones’ Recovery Is Motivated By Fellow Wounded Brethren And The Fallen
Jones Remembers The Marine Who Died In The Explosion That Took His Legs
Jones’ Second Chance At Life Is In Honor Of Those Who Died In Combat
No Matter The Obstacle Jones Has Some Marine-Tough Encouragement
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