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Tag: Custom Knives

James Bishop: Death Watch Dagger

Custom Dagger: Double-Edged Gems That Get To The Point

These classic custom daggers dare the steal the show.
Michael Presnell’s utility hunter

Presnell Utility Hunter Review: The Ultimate Field Companion?

The author gets to test one of his favorite classic knife styles.
DAN-D Model 1 Alpine

Cool Custom: John Dennehy’s Model 1 Alpine

John Dennehy carries on a family tradition with a Model Alpine 1 for Kristi Noem. South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and her leadership skills have...
Ross Arnold petty knife

Petty Knife: The Mama Bear Of Food-Prep Tools

Larger than a paring knife, smaller than a chef's knife, the petty knife is right-sized for heavy-duty precision work.
Richard Dawes Dog Bone Bowie

Cool Custom: Richard Dawes’ Dog-Bone Bowie

Handsomely pinned and with a handle to die for, Richard Dawes' dog-bone bowie finds nearly the perfect chemistry.
Reproduction Foxworth Bowie

Huber Foxworth Bowie: The Men Behind The Blade

The men behind the Huber Foxworth Bowie are as captivating as the knife itself
Custom knife and restored guns

Cool Custom: Harvey Dean And Turnbull Restoration Set

An incredible custom dagger by Harvey Dean and an equally impressive restored revolver and lever-action make a set to drool over.

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Read this before you make a knife

Knifemaking 101 – Read This Before You Make a Knife

  by Wayne Goddard My experience has taught me that there's nothing like digging in and getting started. I've often said the hardest part of the...
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How to Forge Damascus
