Follow the Rambo knives through the first four movies with these photos. If you want to step back in time even further, download the June 1983 issue of BLADE.

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Hate to keep correcting like this, but in the image that’s supposed to be from the deleted knife forging scene from Rambo III, that is actually from the forging scene in Rambo 4.
In the image with the caption “Sly with the Rambo IV knife and a friend with the Rambo II” that’s actually the First Blood knife, not the Part II knife.
In the image of Stallone and Lile at an 80s convention (near the top of the article), Stallone isn’t holding the First Blood knife as the description says, but what looks to be the Part 2 knife without the black on the blade. You can tell by the size and shape of the blade, the squared off section of the guard, and the skull/glass breaker on the end cap. I’ve seen that photo many times, and even though the blade always seemed bigger to me than the original knife, I just now noticed it is the Part 2 style. I wonder if it was a prototype for the movie or a variation Lile made to sell.
The knife I busted my ass mowing grass was bought from kings broke first time used it piece of crap..!!!