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Tag: Joe Kertzman’s Blog

YOUR Knife-Of-The-Year® Award

Log on and vote for your favorite knife, as submitted by knife companies and knifemakers that will be at the BLADE Show.

First Woman Will Vie For BLADE Show World Title

Jessica Elias was the first female ever to compete at the Nationals for the BladeSports International, Inc. competition.

Watch for “Forged In Fire” on History Channel

A new blade forging competition series will air on the History Channel this summer.

BLADE Show—Ultimate Knife Experience!

Join us at the BLADE Show and enjoy the Ultimate Knife Experience!
Tactical Knifemaking.

Knife Trends—Flipper Folders

Flipper folders are wildly popular. Aside from adding an interesting visual element to any knife, the flipper serves a few key roles, including as a one-hand opening device, and as a guard.

A Knife Company Anniversary Extravaganza!

2014 will go down as a year that marked some noteworthy knife company anniversaries and milestones.

Are Quality Knives Worth The Quid?

One of the grandest campfire knife debates involves the age-old question of whether costly, premium knives are worth the buck paid. Are quality knives worth the quid?

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Read this before you make a knife

Knifemaking 101 – Read This Before You Make a Knife

  by Wayne Goddard My experience has taught me that there's nothing like digging in and getting started. I've often said the hardest part of the...
how to forge damascus steel

How to Forge Damascus
