The federal ban on elephant ivory was one of the topics on the DIane Rehm radio talk show March 4.

Craig Hoover of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service was among the show’s guests. Hoover is one of the federal officials several in the knife industry have been contacting for information on the federal ivory ban.
Much of the program seemed geared toward the poaching of elephants and how awful that is—which everyone agrees is pretty much the case. What everyone can’t agree on is the best way to address it, and most in the knife industry agree a ban is not it.
Meanwhile, the Obama Administration’s ivory ban drags on.
In a related development, it appears the anti-ivory edict will be updated with new wording due to come out sometime in April. You can make a difference by contacting your Congressional representative and voicing your views. To find out the name of your representative and how to contact him or her, visit http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/
In addition, make your views known to Sally Jewell, Secretary of the Department of the Interior, and Daniel M. Ashe, Director of Fish and Wildlife. Both can be reached at their respective departments at 1849 C St., NW, Washington, DC 20240. For the former call 202-208-3100 or email [email protected] for more information.
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