Those traveling to the BLADE Show through Georgia need Knife Law Preemption to be passed to protect them from a patchwork of inconsistent knife laws from one jurisdiction to another in the state. Here, Busse knife fans are all eyes at the Busse booth during last year’s BLADE Show.
According to Knife Rights, the Georgia House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee has been assigned SB432, the Knife Law Preemption bill that would repeal all local knife ordinances more restrictive than state law. The committee will consider SB432 in the coming days.
If you are a Georgia resident it is vital that you call the committee members.
If you are a BLADE Show ( attendee from outside of Georgia, then you need to email and/or call ALL of the committee members (listed below) and ask them to vote YES on SB432.
Once again, we need your help to get this bill passed. Your calls and emails made a big impact in the Georgia Senate when they passed the bill last week. Now, please call or email and ask the members of the committee to vote YES on SB432 when it is before them for consideration.
In your email or when you talk to each representative’s secretary, tell him or her that that you are a BLADE Show attendee or exhibitor and that the BLADE Show represents MILLIONS of dollars to the Georgia economy. It also represents many hundreds of JOBS in Georgia. All those hotels and restaurants we stay at and eat in during BLADE Show employ many hundreds of people and SB432 will help support the BLADE Show! You deserve to not have to worry about local knife restrictions when traveling to and attending the BLADE Show, and even a single unjustified and highly publicized arrest could adversely affect BLADE Show attendance!
Use Email SUBJECT: Please Vote Yes on SB432.
Ann Purcell – Chairman Dist 159 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-5139
Willie Talton – Vice Chairman Dist 145 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-5116
Bob Hanner – Dist 148 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-7859
Bill Maddox – Dist 127 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-3947
Jay Neal – Dist 1 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-5138
Billy Horne – Dist 71 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-0287
Scott Holcomb – Dist 82 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-6372
Gloria Frazier -Dist 123 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-0265
Kevin Cooke -Dist 18 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-0325
Darlene Taylor – Dist 173 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656- 0177
Yasmin Neal -Dist 75 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-0265
Doug Collins -Dist 27 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-7737
Tim Bearden -Dist 68 – [email protected] Phone: 404-656-0287
Knife Law Preemption protects honest citizens from a patchwork of local ordinances and rules that can entrap those traveling within or through a state in possession of knives that meet state law or wherever they live in the state. A person can be charged with a violation of law when they have no intention of violating the law.
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