Tag: Survival Knives
Well, Modern Rambo, Which Knife?
Among other things, the movie First Blood starring Sylvester Stallone as Rambo, revolutionized the knife industry through the sudden vast popularity of the Rambo...
GlobalFlare Names 5 Knives Crocodile Dundee Would Own
In a fun online article, GlobalFlare.com named the 5 Knives Crocodile Dundee Would Own.
New BLADE® On Newsstands Now!
Get the lowdown on the latest knife hotbed of Russia in the new BLADE®—on newsstands NOW!
Sporting the Hati flipper folder by Russia's hot knifemaking...
Forging A Future For Orphans
A recent mission trip to Uganda demonstrated not only the skill of a knifemaker, but also his ability to forge a future for orphans and at-risk youth from the village of Bamba.
Top Knifemakers At NY Custom Knife Show Nov. 22-24
Join some of the world's top custom knifemakers and other knife industry VIPs Nov. 22-24 for the 36th Annual New York Custom Knife Show...
RUKO Is Exclusive Importer of Muela Knives
As of Jan. 1, 2014, RUKO will be the exclusive North American importer of MUELA Knives of Spain, as per a deal recently inked between the two knife entities.
Knife For Veteran’s Day
On Veteran's Day (11/11/13), U.S. Elite Gear, in collaboration with Rustick Knives, plans to introduce a limited-edition fixed-blade "Kraken" model.