Tag: Custom Knifemaker
Unconditionally Traditional: The Beauty Of Custom Pocketknives
Custom pocketknives always seem to make us feel nostalgic. These models from talented custom makers are all gems.
Samurai Chef’s Knives
Few knives have been as heavily influenced by Japanese methods as the chef's knife.These four quality blades show off the modern meeting the historic.
My Five Favorite Makers
After decades in and around the knife industry, the author reflects on his five favorite knifemakers and what makes them so memorable.
Friedly/Rudolph Collaboration is an Homage to American Indian culture
The End of The Trail
Friedly/Rudolph collaboration is an homage to American Indian culture
The End of The Trail by Dennis Friedly is a theme piece...
Fit and Finish 101: How to know it when you see it on a...
By Pat Covert
Fit and finish is bandied about so often in cutlery circles it’s almost become one word, pronounced something like fittenfinnish. A newbie...
African Blackwood is on the Rise as a Custom Handle Material
Maybe it’s a bit of a contradiction, but both elegance and simplicity are elements of African blackwood, a handle material with a rapidly rising...
91-Year-Old Knifemaker Murray Sterling is Still Going Strong
Murray Sterling has seen a lot and done a lot in his 91 years on this earth. For the past 30, he’s made a...