The steel that changed knives forever, the hottest custom makers’ hottest knives, how to build an emergency shelter, Chad Nichols’ MokuTi knife material, how to recognize future knife collectibles, these and much more highlight the new April BLADE®, on most newsstands NOW.
Bill Moran’s introduction of damascus steel at the 1973 Knifemakers’ Guild Show 40 yaers ago this year is the focus of “Steel That Changed Knives Forever.” Find out from those who were there what that was like and from others how the introduction transformed the industry and continues to do so today.
If you were stranded in the woods and needed to build an emergency shelter in a short amount of time, could you do it? James Ayres shows you how in “Shelter From The Storm.”
The custom knives most in demand change at any given moment. Get the latest installment of how they’re changing and what they are in “On The Boil!” The cover knife made by Jim Burke and designed by Tashi Bharucha is one of them.
If somebody asked you what factory knives you should collect now for the future, what would be your answer? See if it gibes with those who know in “Knife Pros Reveal What To Collect.”
There’s much more—a profile of knifemaker Will Zermeno, Ray Kirk’s giveaway knife for the upcoming Arkansas Custom Knife Show, the latest in mid-tech knives, how to clean hunting knives, part two of Ed Fowler’s step-by-step how-to on sheep horn knife handles, a test of Joel Worley’s “Woodsman” brut de forge knife and much more, all in the April BLADE.
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