Knives are a worldwide phenomenon and that phenomenon has never been more wide-ranging than it is in the latest issue of BLADE®—on newsstands NOW!
The hottest makers’ hottest custom knives is a feature we do every few months in BLADE to keep our readers abreast of the latest custom trends. This issue’s rendition includes such hot models as the A3 Flipper by “the Andres”—Andre Thorburn and Andre van Heerden—of South Africa, the Dominator by Darrel Ralph, the Tighe Tac 2 by Brian Tighe and many others. In addition to South Africa’s Andres, the hottest makers’ hottest knives come from all corners of the globe. Check them out in “You’re In A World of Hot Knives” on page 13.
Asian designs always retain a loyal following. Those loyalists have some pretty cool examples of the genre from which to choose in such pieces as the CRKT Achi and Akari, this issue’s cover knives designed by custom knifemaker Lucas Burnley. Check them and other exotic Eastern designs out in “Those Amazin’ Asians” on page 74.
Knife handle materials run the gamut in types, patterns, looks and much more. Stephen Garger takes you through the most recent examples in “You Can Handle The Truth” on page 80.
Firestarter knives are hot in more ways than one. BLADE contributor/knife designer/knifemaker Abe Elias takes you through some of the latest iterations and how they work in “Quest For Fire” on page 44. Factory tactical folders are hot as ever, too, and James Morgan Ayres tests four of the newer ones in “Tactical Knives For The People” on page 50.
Allen Elishewitz has been making some of the most-sought-after tactical folders for years and continues to today—but he’s also expanded into pens and watches. See what makes this multi-talented artisan tick in “He Puts The ‘R’ in Renaissance Man” on page 84.
Check out these and many other stories in the latest issue of BLADE.
NEXT STEP: Download Your Free KNIFE GUIDE Issue of BLADE Magazine
BLADE’s annual Knife Guide Issue features the newest knives and sharpeners, plus knife and axe reviews, knife sheaths, kit knives and a Knife Industry Directory.Get your FREE digital PDF instant download of the annual Knife Guide. No, really! We will email it to you right now when you subscribe to the BLADE email newsletter.