Award-winning knifemaker Todd Begg will star in the premiere episodes of the Blade Brothers on Discovery Channel tonight at 10 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. EDT. (Check local listings for the times in your area.)
Todd becomes the latest knifemaker to join the ranks of television stars. Larry “The Hammer” Harley is the other, achieving newfound fame as one of the stars of National Geographic’s Lords of War. Both makers will exhibit knives at the 2013 BLADE Show (www.bladeshow.com) and Living Ready Expo May 31-June 2 at the Cobb Galleria Centre in Atlanta.
Winner of a number of awards for his custom knives—including Best Of The Rest at the 2010 BLADE Show for his fantasy cleaver—Begg will be joined by his brothers on the show as he tries to teach them how to help him run the knife business. Since none of Begg’s brothers have ever made a knife before, plenty of hijinks ensue as they learn the ropes in the always challenging business of custom knifemaking.
As he notes on his website, Todd’s interest in knives began at a young age while hunting and fishing with his brothers in the Great Northwest. He later used knives in the military as an NBC Recon team member, where he learned just how important and lifesaving they can be.
Based out of Petaluma, California, Todd specializes in high-grade tactical folders and fixed blades. His patterns include folders, integrals and fighters. He specialzies in flipper folders using the Ikoma Korth Bearing System (IKBS), and his list prices range from $400 to $15,000 per knife. He exhibits his knives at a wide range of knife shows, including the BLADE Show, and has appeared in BLADE Magazine (www.blademag.com) on any number of occasions.
For more information on Todd and makers like him, subscribe to BLADE at
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