Spartan Blades gets its first BLADEĀ® cover with the June BLADE, on most newsstands TODAY!
Designed by BLADE field editor and retired 5th Special Forces master sergeant Kim Breed, the cover knife is the Spartan-Breed fighter/daggerāand it is just one of the latest knives from the 2013 SHOT Show and many other knives highlighted in the June issue.
ā¢On the custom collector front, Mike Haskew examines the exploding phenomenon of Chinese and Taiwanese collectors hoarding custom handforged knives in “Asian Damascus Invasion.”

ā¢BLADE field editor Ed Fowler continues his lavishly illustrated sheep-horn handle how-to in part IV of “Breaking Sheepish.”
ā¢Spring is here and so is fishing season. Fillet your favorite catch with the latest in fillet blades in Tom Carpenter’s “Fish Knives Combine Form & Function.”
ā¢Former New Hampshire state representative Jenn Coffey wants your help in getting car dealers and manufacturers to consider including the CRKT Exitool seat-belt cutter as standard issue in cars in an effort to avoid such tragic deaths as the baby in Los Angeles who was killed when no one had a tool to extricate the infant from a burning automobile.
ā¢The SHOT Show was in Las Vegas and, in terms of knives, what happened there didn’t stay there. Steve Shackleford tells you about some of the factory industry’s hottest new knives from the show.
ā¢In “How Thick Should Your Blade Be,” ABS master smith/BLADE field editor Joe Szilaski tells you which blade thicknesses for which knives.
ā¢Clyde Fischer was a knifemaking legend from the 1960s until his death in 2001. His son Sammy Fischer is carrying on the family tradition, and Blade Magazine Cutlery Hall-Of-FameĀ© member B.R. Hughes gives you the inside story in “Dad’s Footsteps, Not His Coattails.”
ā¢In part two of a three-part series, a panel of knife industry authorities select the top custom knives from 1989-2000 in “A Decade Of Excellence.”
There’s much more. To subscribe to BLADE print issues click on www.shopblade.com/blade-magazine-one-year-subscription-us/?lid=blss032613 and to subscribe to the new digital editions of BLADE, click on https://ssl.palmcoastd.com/07614/apps/ORDOPTION1LANDING?ikey=I**B47&et_mid=608607&rid=3579379?lid=blss032613
NEXT STEP: Download Your Free KNIFE GUIDE Issue of BLADE Magazine
BLADEās annual Knife Guide Issue features the newest knives and sharpeners, plus knife and axe reviews, knife sheaths, kit knives and a Knife Industry Directory.Get your FREE digital PDF instant download of the annual Knife Guide. No, really! We will email it to you right now when you subscribe to the BLADE email newsletter.
Is this an issue which might benefit from a change.org petition? I reveled in having a 1″ non-locking folder in my pocket on a recent flight, used it 1/2 doz times in NY NY in 5 days, AND have never experienced TSA staff being as cheerful.
Thanks for your great work.
Lenny Frieling